
Monday, December 5, 2011

12/05/11: Saddle Sore

I got up at 4:30 this morning to get to the 5:15 spin class. I haven't been to a spin class since sometime in September, if not before.

It's soooooo easy to get out of the habit of getting up early. But it's sooooooo hard to get back into it.

Actually, it didn't feel as bad as I expected, but I'm sure that has something to do with sleeping in the past 4 days while in St. Louis. What a difference many extra hours of much needed sleep will make.

Today, though, it was back to reality.

I tried to get hubby to come along. He wants to start riding with me, and he says he wants to start going to spin classes as well......."but not at 5 in the morning."

(insert sarcastic tone here) I just don't understand how someone who works 24 hour shifts, and is then home for 24 hours, doesn't want to get up at 5 in the morning to work out.


The class today was torture. My poor body hasn't done any cardio work since September, and it shows. My legs were tired, but I could work through it. The problem was my lungs. Holy crap am I out of shape again. :-(

At one point the instructor got off of her bike and walked around the room. She doesn't normally do this, so it caught my attention. At first I thought it was just because it was Monday am, and she thought we all needed some added motivation. The kind of motivation that an instructor walking around the room usually creates.

But then she stopped at the empty bike in front of me, and just kinda hung out.

I'm guessing I looked like I was going to either stroke or drop of a heart attack, and she wanted to be closer to respond when the need arose.



My new goal - make it through a class without causing concern within the gym staff.


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