
Monday, June 29, 2009


Day 1, Week 2

Getting up was fairly easy....but the running part was pretty tough.

After driving to Des Moines and spending all morning on the water for the triathlon yesterday, I almost didn't make it home. I was sooo tired!

I forgot to download week 2 of the 5k running program on my I did another day of week 1. My OCD brain is screaming about it. :-) :-)


Maggie May said...

i stumbled here and was glad for the jolt of inspiration. i've been working out for a few weeks and lagging the last couple days. thanks!

Nej said...

@ Maggie - Any time I can provide a "jolt" of inspiration is fun! It inspires ME!!!

(sorry about the late response, for some reason I wasn't getting my comment notifications)

:-) :-)